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Corporate Wellbeing

A Happy Healthy Empowered Workforce

A healthy and happy team is a more productive team. Investing in the health of your employees is not only your corporate social responsibility but can directly help to reduce the number of sick days and hours that your workforce is away from the business. It also shows any prospective or future employees that your organisation really cares about the wellbeing of their staff.

UCU Corporate Wellbeing Talks

At UCU our Corporate Wellbeing talks are not only focused on empowering employers to invest in their workers but most importantly to help address the overall health and wellbeing of every individual employee, which can often be overlooked.

Uniquely Created U can tailor programmes to meet the size of group we will be delivering to, and to meet the specific needs of your employees. We can speak about one specific domain of health care or provide an overview of general health and wellbeing.

Alternatively, with the help our of multidisciplinary team we can tailor a dedicated talk on a specific area of health that a company has identified as a key topic they know affects certain members of their workforce.
We work with businesses ready for disruptive transformation.

We work with businesses ready for disruptive transformation to amplify impact, boost performance and maximise returns.

  • Poor mental health among employees incurs an estimated annual cost of up to £45 billion. The majority of this is the result of stress, depression and anxiety. Stigma and a lack of trust between employer and employee create barriers to resolution and exacerbate mental health challenges. Investing in workplace mental health interventions is highly beneficial, returning £5 to employers for every £1 invested, Deloitte (2020).

  • Workplace mobility problems, such as back pain, neck pain and repetitive strain injuries, affect 46% of the workforce. These challenges increase absenteeism and presenteeism, causing workflow disruptions, increased stress, decreased productivity, and suboptimal performance. By implementing wellbeing strategies, employees feel better cared for, and this fosters more outstanding commitment and retention of staff who outperform those who lack healthy work environments.

Book a Corporate Wellbeing Enquiry call today

Reach out to our supportive and understanding experts.

1 in 4

UK workers have a physical health condition

1 in 3

UK workers have a long-term health condition


Surge in UK workers' sick days from 2020 to 2022

  • Stress
Management guidance
  • Nutritional, medical lifestyle education
To decrease sick days
  • Movement education
To enhance performance